
By Letícia De Souza Barboa

The trajectory of the UFG International Affairs Coordination begins in 1987, when the UFG International Relations Center was implemented with the aim of opening doors from abroad to the university. Later, through the Ordinance No. 00373 of April 7, 1987, issued by the then Rector Prof.Joel Pimentel de Ulhôa, the International Affairs Advisory Office was created, the body responsible for the development and expansion of the institution's international cooperation with congeners from other countries. The Profa. Raquel Figueiredo Alessandri Teixeira was appointed the first advisor, with the task of proposing the appropriate structure to the advisory, defining its objectives, its program of activities and its operating conditions.

The investment initiative at the international level is very well seen in the academic scenario, highlighting UFG as one of the most notable universities to invest in centers of international relations, thus "maintaining important contacts that begin to open at doors from abroad to the university", according to UFG's Synthetic Activity Report in 1987.

The following year, Ruy Rodrigues da Silva assumes, with a commitment to maintain and develop the works that have already gained notoriety at the international level. In 1989 the same Rector, by the Ordinance 00920, and considering the need to strengthen and expand work internationally, establishes the Advisory Board of the Advisory Board of the Advisory Council on International Affairs, setting the tasks and competences of this council in the Rules of Procedure of Advisory And designating to constitute it the teachers Fernando Pelegrini, Heitor Rosa, Raquel Figueiredo Alessandri Teixeira e Ivo de Carvalho.

It was in the management of Professor Orlando Afonso Valle do Amaral that from 1991 the then advisory won the title that inherits to this day from Coordinator of International Affairs of UFG. In the sequel, in 1994, teacher Raquel Figueiredo Alessandri Teixeira returns to CAI. Between 1998 and 2005, Professor Adriane Cecilia Teixeira de Oliveira held the role of coordinator, starting a new phase of development of the International Academics Relations of UFG.

From January 2006 to June 2018 profa. Dr. Ofir Bergemann de Aguiar remained in the role of Coordinator of International Affairs, expanding the influence and scope of projects linked to the international academic scenario. This year Professor Francisco took over the Coordination of International Affairs that gained the status of board and became called the Board of International Relations (DRI) and continuing the work that has been done representative in international academic cooperation for 30 years at UFG.

CAI at Regional Jataí

Cai's actions at UFG/REJ began in 2012 and were linked to the Undergraduate Coordination (COGRAD), with the contribution of Professor Kleber Pereira, from Anatomy, until September 2015. From this period, Márcio Issamu Yamamoto, from the English Letters Course coordinator until April 2017, when he left for his studies. Currently, Adriana Luize Bocchi, from Zootechnics, represents cai since May 2017.

The Coordination of International Affairs (CAI) of UFG / REJ acts in international mobility as an extension of DRI in Goiânia , disclosing calls, receiving requests from the academic community and promoting the reception of students from foreign institutions , with which UFG maintains agreements, because all selections and agreements are carried out by  DRI.

In 2019 due to the beginning of the emancipation of the future UFJ ( Federal University of Jatai) of the current UFG, CAI/REJ began to carry out the academic, financial and administrative processes related to the internationalization of regional Jataí, it also started the Ambassador Programs (which aims to receive foreign students/teachers/TA) and the program Change! (to support the UFG student in the process of international mobility).

In the same year, the projects began: Exploring Borders and International Afternoon, focusing on Internationalization at Home and in September 2019 released the first Scholarship Notice for CAI, thus formed the current team of CAI / REJ.