Services Provided by International Office (IO)

By Márcio Issamu Yamamoto

- Foster international relation policies at UFJ.

- Advise UFJ's management staff regarding international affairs.

- Encourage and support the university’s involvement in cooperation agreements regulated by national and international agencies in these  programs.

- Encourage and support the UFJ’s involvement in international cooperation networks and consortia.

- Foster courses, research and international events that contribute to the quality of teaching and knowledge generation.

- Inform the university and local community about possibilities for studies and research abroad by disseminating info on UFJ’s website, social networks and printed material.

- Search for updated information on international university contexts.

- Receive and guide international visitors at UFJ. 

- Encourage the learning of foreign languages ​​and the offer of Portuguese Language courses for foreigners.

- Promote the visibility of UFJ in foreign institutions and at international events.

- Encourage and support the participation of professors and technicians in competitions, awards and article publication by the academic community in international journals.

- Raise funds for application for promoting research projects and programs.

- Promote technical, scientific, administrative, artistic and cultural exchanges with national and international institutions.